Technology Desc


Stephanie Petersen, TEAM Software by WorkWave, CALSAGA Network Partner

For security professionals searching for ways to better manage guards working in the field, Bluetooth beacons can offer a number of benefits. Beacons are wireless transmitters that communicate with other smart devices through Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology, a power-friendly version of Bluetooth wireless tech.

Bluetooth beacons constantly send out radio signals to nearby smartphones and tablets, and their signals contain a small amount of data. Mobile apps are able to listen to those signals. Once an app hears a relevant signal, it can trigger an action on your phone – pinpointing a location, tracking movements and triggering location-based notifications.

Over the past decade, beacon technology has gained a large amount of traction with major companies incorporating beacons for smartphones, tablets, laptops, medical devices and home entertainment products. Less than a decade ago in 2016, the market for beacon technology was valued at $519.6 million. At this rate, it is expected to reach $56.6 billion in 2026.

Security professionals seeking low-cost solutions offering real-time asset tracking and proof of service to customers can utilize beacons as a reliable choice. When combined with an  integrated workforce management system, Bluetooth beacons can add additional real-time data, insights or analytics that can be accessed and reported on.

Beacon technology and the security industry

Part of the reason the beacons work so well for the security industry is the fact that they offer location-tracking technology. Beacons consistently provide exact details on where a mobile device is located, whether it’s outdoors or indoors, unlike GPS signals that fail to communicate with satellites inside some buildings.

Beacons also require little assembly, maintenance or power requirements. Within a few minutes of installation, they can stay operational for years or at least until a battery needs to be replaced. Although different variations of Bluetooth beacons perform the same location tracking and data transmission-related tasks, their size, shape and price may vary.

Cost varies, but professionals should expect to spend as much as $50 on a reliable Bluetooth beacon. Despite aesthetic variations, beacons generally use coin cell or AA battery types, and battery life will vary depending on different factors, most notably the power source, settings and how often the beacon is used.

Because beacons are compatible with common smartphones, specifically iOS and Android devices, and due to the commonality of Bluetooth technology, there should be built-in features on nearly every smartphone to minimize installation or maintenance concerns.

Lighthouse and Bluetooth beacon software

Once a beacon system is in place, integrations can push the technology forward. For example, TEAM Software by WorkWave offers Lighthouse, which integrates with Bluetooth beacon technology and offers a usable app that ensures guards are properly monitored, while also offering communication features in the event of a high-risk incident.

A security company that was contracted to provide dedicated services to a large golf facility implemented Lighthouse to help record patrols, manage tasks, report issues, complete inspections and communicate with managers.

After setting up a network of 24 beacons throughout the golf course and club, they achieved better visibility throughout the facility, greater compliance with security patrols and were able to respond faster to security issues. They also eliminated paper-based data capture and moved to centralized reporting.

Lighthouse helps managers ensure that workers are performing their duties. But it also aids in providing ongoing reports, which could help document risk management compliance, defend against claims and expose areas where efficiencies can be gained.

To continue learning about Lighthouse and the uses of beacon technology, take advantage of the following eBook: The Beginner’s Guide to Beacons. This guide was designed to share valuable information on beacon technology and depict how beacons can offer real benefits to a business. Case studies are included in this eBook to offer details on how specific security companies better managed their workforce and reduced operation costs.

Learn more

Stephanie is a passionate product manager with a demonstrated history of working in various roles in the software industry, who loves building and using products that add significant value to people’s day-to-day lives and businesses.

Navigating the Increasingly Difficult Waters of California Compliance

Jordan Wallach, Belfry Software, Associate Member

The recent Annual Conference was an eye-opener on how shifting California regulations are reshaping the compliance scene for guard services firms. It’s clear: the back office is now in the hot seat, juggling more than ever – from sick time tracking and overtime calculations to break compliance. This could mean less time for those strategic moves that set your business apart from the crowd.

The updated California regulations necessitate meticulous tracking of sick time accruals and carryovers, with the recent law increasing annual sick days from three to five and enhancing carryover provisions. Weighted overtime calculations demand a methodical approach to identify overtime hours and decide on the applicable overtime rate, adhering to California’s specific rules. Break compliance is equally crucial, mandating meal breaks and rest breaks, with non-compliance resulting in significant fines.

Here’s where Belfry strides in as the industry’s purpose-built Payroll & HR platform, integrated with all the other components you need to run a guard services firm. Its end-to-end solution smartly handles time-off tracking, automates those overtime calculations based on California’s rules, and has got break compliance covered too. Belfry isn’t about adding another tool to your stack; it’s about easing compliance to free up your back office. With Belfry, compliance becomes a breeze, letting you focus on what truly matters – delivering exceptional service and carving a distinctive niche in the security sector.

Jordan Wallach is the Co-Founder and CEO of Belfry, the modern operating system for security guard services companies and a CALSAGA Member. Prior to founding Belfry, Jordan was a consultant at McKinsey & Company and a Product Manager at Microsoft, building software used by millions of people worldwide. He has a bachelor’s degree in Data Science from Stanford University.

Unlocking a Competitive Advantage

Jordan Wallach, Belfry Software, Associate Member

Standing out in the security guard industry requires strategy and follow-through. Here are areas we’ve found that companies often prioritize, but then fall short:

When operational fires arise, client relationships are the first to fall by the wayside. Our recent survey found that despite being part of their initial job description, Operations Managers spend less than 10% of their time in front of clients. They’re simply spending too much time tracking down personnel or managing a patchwork of tools.

Here, the power of modern technology solutions becomes evident. First, this could halve the time spent that Operations Managers spend scheduling and managing reports – creating space to focus on strategic work and client relationships. But an intelligent system also quantifies the value of your services – locking in renewals and assisting in difficult contract negotiations.

It’s also critical to empower your team. While companies invest heavily in training hours, time & money is wasted when officers are equipped with outdated tools. Providing user-friendly technology that feels just like the tech they use at home means happier employees and less time spent troubleshooting.

This is where Belfry fits in. Our industry-leading software is designed only for security guard services businesses – allowing your team to focus on what makes your company unique: strong client relationships and strategic thinking. With Belfry, it’s about more than just software; it’s about helping you make your mark in the competitive security landscape. Let us help unlock your company’s true potential.

Jordan Wallach is the Co-Founder and CEO of Belfry, the modern operating system for security guard services companies and a CALSAGA Member. Prior to founding Belfry, Jordan was a consultant at McKinsey & Company and a Product Manager at Microsoft, building software used by millions of people worldwide. He has a bachelor’s degree in Data Science from Stanford University.



Jojo Tran, Telepath Corporation, CALSAGA Associate Member

Safety and accountability are critical elements of an effective workplace environment. Whether teaching in a classroom or managing security at a healthcare, every employee wants to feel safe and prepared in an emergency situation.

The body-worn camera makes this desire a reality. With devices now with full HD shift recording in 1080p, pre/post recording capabilities, and multiple ways to connect via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, these devices provide footage of events as they occur.


Every day, school safety professionals face challenges and threats daily as they keep their communities safe.

Providing a real-time perspective during critical incidents when any action is required to protect students, teachers, or themselves is more important than ever. Body-worn cameras capture video and audio, providing accurate and disputable proof of incidents that occur on the grounds while strengthening the trust of the student body and the surrounding community.

Security process and share evidence with school administrators and local law enforcement.

Complying with policies and procedures on how footage should be stored, accessed, and viewed is a key to protecting students, right to privacy. Using video management with the body-worn camera and digital evidence management solutions enables you to do just that.


Security threats and acts of workplace violence in the healthcare industry are on the rise.

This not only undermines the safety of healthcare workers and their quality of patient care, but also places greater demand on healthcare security professionals. Equipping healthcare security with the tools they need to protect others and themselves is a vital part in mitigating workplace violence and creating a safer environment for healthcare operations.

Securely process and share evidence with local law enforcement.

Adherence to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) laws and local privacy regulations dictating how footage should be accessed and viewed is key to safeguarding patients’ health information and right to privacy. Managing your videos and digital evidence solutions enables you to prepare, process, and share high-quality video evidence from your suite of body-worn cameras in a way that meets privacy regulations.


Workplace violence is rising, bringing more significant demands for security professionals.

Often on the first line in corporate offices, retail outlets, hospitals, and schools, they are responding to increased incidents of aggression. Those who don’t feel safe at work are more likely to leave the company, utilize employer health care services at a higher rate, or bring legal insurance claims against their employer when a safety incident occurs. Providing a security professional’s perspective of an incident when they must use force to protect themselves or the property, they are responsible for is more critical than ever.

Confidently process and share evidence with local law enforcement

Video footage from body-worn cameras can be securely offloaded to video manager systems. It can be accessed by authorized personnel by securely logging in from any computer or tablet connected to a network. It also provides capabilities to links for secure sharing with external agencies for seamless collaboration.

Body-worn cameras are designed for those security professionals who may encounter threats of violence.   These devices can feature rugged exteriors, full shift recording, and provide extended footage of events as they occur, allowing immediate response and providing indisputable evidence.

JoJo Tran is Chief Executive Officer of Telepath Corporation. Tran joined Telepath in 1990 and became CEO in September 2010. Previously, he headed several business units at Telepath, including mission critical infrastructure, customer service, sales and mobile team. Mr. Tran’s vision is to be the industry’s premier sales, service and program management company. Customers and partners will see Telepath as an integral to their success. Telepath will anticipate their needs and deliver on every commitment. People will be proud to work at Telepath. Telepath will create opportunities to achieve the extraordinary and will reward their success.

Discover How to Reduce Turnover, Increase Engagement, and Retain Your Security Officers

Tavon Parris, Trackforce Valiant + TrackTik, CALSAGA Network Partner

Around $11 billion is lost annually due to overall employee turnover, according to the Bureau of National Affairs. This isn’t only representative of the physical security industry, and that number considers more than just lost hours. It factors in the cost associated with finding, training, and equipping replacement workers as well as reduced productivity. 

But nowhere is the issue of turnover more acute than in the physical security industry. High turnover rates, low retention, and low employee engagement have always been a challenge for security firms and corporate security departments alike. Today, the high turnover rate in the security guard industry is a key challenge almost all face. 

Security officer and security guard turnover rates are thought to be over 100% annually. That means that the average private security firm has a completely new workforce every 12 months. And that high turnover has potentially immense consequences.  

When short on personnel, the exposure to risk increases. This may lead to people getting hurt, businesses experiencing increased incidents of theft and vandalism, and an increase in stressful situations that quickly get out of hand, like a lost child, crowd control, or medical emergency. 

It’s why it’s so necessary for security companies to do things like offer competitive wages. This is one of many ways to help reduce churn in a role that can ask employees to risk their lives, as outlined in our guide.  

In addition to speaking about wages, we go over common reasons for employee turnover and offer 10 ideas that can effectively help reduce your turnover rates, increase employee engagement, and retain your best physical security personnel.  

Want to learn more? Grab your copy today. 

Trackforce Valiant + TrackTik combines over 45 years of total experience with the brightest and most influential minds to provide its customers with the industry’s most comprehensive security workforce management solution. Our cloud-based solutions help corporations and security guard service providers handle every aspect of security workforce management.

Tavon Parris

Top 3 Areas to Improve Your Hiring Funnel

Maddie Anders, TEAM Software by WorkWave, CALSAGA Network Partner

Consider the two different versions of the labor market.

First, there’s a candidate-driven market, where applicants have more power in determining where and what conditions they’ll accept working amongst. There are often more attempts at negotiations, especially with wages and benefits, and it can be harder to position yourself as an employer of choice as many markets are competing for the same pool of workers.

Second, there’s an employer’s market, where there is less flexibility for negotiations from the stance of an employer because the rate of unemployed persons per job opening is high.

Although economic factors may suggest the labor market is changing, the fact is we’re still operating in a candidate-driven market. To position yourself as an employer of choice and attract more quality candidates to your open roles, you have to do what you can to improve efficiency, enhance the customer experience and deliver measurable KPIs to your company’s bottom line.

Improved efficiency

In today’s highly competitive job market, organizations need to ensure that they have a streamlined recruitment process that can attract, hire and onboard top talent efficiently.

But what does efficiency really look like? In your hiring funnel, it should mean you’re able to get the right people in the right jobs at the right time and for the least amount of resources.

The first step in achieving this is to integrate applicant tracking, hiring and onboarding systems. With an integrated system, recruiters and hiring managers can manage the entire hiring funnel from a single platform. This includes posting job openings, reviewing resumes, scheduling interviews, checking references and onboarding new hires. It means removing paper-based documentation and filing systems for compliant and secure data storage and sharing. And, it means doing it all in a way that is repeatable.

Despite hiring significantly more than the national average, the net sum of workers in the security industry isn’t substantially increasing due to the amount of turnover. In proprietary data from TEAM Software by WorkWave and included in our recent data report, we’ve found that a security company must hire approximately 108 applicants a year, just to maintain an average

annual headcount of 100 employees. Knowing the demand for security guards is and will remain high, it’s critical to establish proven integrated recruitment processes that can be easily replicated again and again.

Enhanced candidate experience

Another key benefit of integrated recruitment systems is the enhanced candidate experience.

An integrated recruiting system can provide a seamless experience that enhances the employer brand and helps attract top talent. For example, you can streamline your recruitment requirements to only request critical criteria in the application process, instead of requiring page-long resumes and applications – and still capture the necessary information you need to begin screening. Even better, offer text-to-apply application formats, which reduce the barriers of application completion for prospective candidates in your industry. When a candidate applies for a job, they can receive automated responses acknowledging receipt of their application, including via text.

During the interview process, recruiters can use the system to schedule interviews, send reminders and follow up with candidates quickly. Once hired, you can collect necessary new-hire and onboarding documentation with easy digital methods, instead of sending supervisors to chase down employees at job sites.

Data-driven KPIs

Arguably the best benefit of an integrated recruiting system is the measurable results it contributes to your bottom line. TEAM Software’s own applicant tracking, hiring and onboarding system, for example, enables users to hire an average 42% faster than the national average. That equals 15 days of time savings gained back during the hiring process alone. This is a critical metric to consider when knowing that contract coverage depends on available employees to cover shifts.

It’s also important to look at your back-end processes and see where efficiencies can be gained. Ask yourself these questions: How much effort is going into tracking applications, reviewing work history and resumes, screening candidates, running background checks and moving new hires into onboarding? Of that time being spent, where could your back-office team’s efforts be redirected to contribute even more to the company’s bottom line? Could you be hiring even more applicants?

With TEAM Software’s ATS, hiring and onboarding software, clients report 60% savings of time spent on hiring activities.

Learn more about measurable results service contractors are achieving in their hiring process at

Maddie started her career in the global banking industry as an Applications Programmer prior to joining TEAM Software by WorkWave. After working as a Quality Analyst, Maddie transitioned to Product Owner, where she combines her passion for problem solving with the guidance of product strategy to bring forward enhancements that add value to users while driving future innovations.

Nationwide Communication is Trending with Law Enforcement, Security & Specialized Units

We live in a data-driven world where agencies and private security increasingly expect data to flood through theirnetworks at optimum speeds to do their jobs better, smarter, and faster. Today, 75% of the workplace is said to be themillennial generation (1), and many believe that millennial workers are addicted to the “instant gratification”phenomenon. This is a generation that grew up with texting, instant messaging, social media, and more, all at theirservice to deliver information in an instant. As the speed of our data-driven world continues to increase, so are theexpectations of workers whose jobs rely on instant data-driven communications.

While the idea of instant push-to-talk communications has been around since 1933 when a New Jersey police department operated the first Land Mobile Radio (LMR) system, this new data-hungry workforce continues to push thereliability and speed of their communication system. But the need for speed simply isn’t enough in an increasingly mobile world …

According to a recent Gallup study, 43% of employees reported working offsite at least at some point during theircareers compared to 30% just 4 years earlier (2). With this increasingly mobile workforce that can now work anywherebeyond the office, an instant communication solution to support these requirements is simply non- negotiable. In aMotorola Solutions Communications Survey, 64% of workers stated it is important to have instant, nationwidecommunication at their workplace (3).

Today you can get the best of both worlds with instant two-way radio communication features at a nationwide scale.By connecting existing Land Mobile Radio (LMR) systems and smartphones, the LTE Broadband radio, extendspush-to-talk benefits for all team members, whether they’re on the same job site or across the country.



Security personnel can use one device anywhere.

  • Communicate critical encrypted communication instantly with team members across the country at the push of a button.
  • Bridge multiple facilities and operations without needing to set up or maintain complicated infrastructure.
  • Connect with teams regardless of their network, on existing LMR devices to smartphones, and more.
  • Fast-track security operations with a nationwide push-to-talk network that powers the quickest setup, programchanges, and connectivity.
  • Even the freshest new hire can pick up the device and immediately share information with the rest of the team.

Perhaps no industry requires instant communication more than security, where safety often depends on split second decisions.

  1. Key Statistics About Millennials in the Workplace, Mark Emmons
  2. America’s Coming Workplace: Home Alone, Annamarie Mann, and Amy Adkins
  3. 2019 Motorola Solutions Communications

JoJo Tran is Chief Executive Officer of Telepath Corporation. Tran joined Telepath in 1990 and became CEO in September 2010. Previously, he headed several business units at Telepath, including mission critical infrastructure, customer service, sales and mobile team. Mr. Tran’s vision is to be the industry’s premier sales, service and program management company. Customers and partners will see Telepath as an integral to their success. Telepath will anticipate their needs and deliver on every commitment. People will be proud to work at Telepath. Telepath will create opportunities to achieve the extraordinary and will reward their success.

Balancing Ops and Back-Office Resources for Profitable Growth

Lindsay Uleman, TEAM Software, CALSAGA Network Partner

The security industry is one of the most critical, essential and rapidly evolving sectors in the world. With a market size already over $54 billion and expected growth in the years to come, security companies should be positioning their businesses to best win new business and scale services to match growth projections.

To do this, you must first have a clear understanding of potential roadblocks in your management of field operations and the correlating resources built into your back office. Once you overcome these barriers, you can move towards more nuanced elements of winning more business and scaling revenue-driven business growth.

Managing your field officers – better
The fact of the matter is that a growing business needs technologies and processes to keep pace with their growth. That means having a system that can accurately:
? Record and track timekeeping including nuanced needs like meal and rest breaks
? Ensure the right officer is assigned to the right contract based on compliance needs and qualifications
? Keep up with scheduling changes, including no-shows, tardiness and supervisors standing post
? Provide a system for clear incident management and resolution
? Improve proof of service tracking and reporting on work being completed in the field

The truth is, many security companies are still trying to achieve these standards using spreadsheets or hard-copy documentation. Others may have implemented a specific software solution for each bullet point, resulting in manual data manipulation and inaccurate data reference points.

The technologies you use to support your business can just as easily stall growth than support it. What may have worked for your business in the past might not be scalable as you’re taking on more contracts (and hiring more employees to execute on them).

Take the time to make sure you have the right framework in place to support your growing workforce with effective timekeeping, scheduling, service delivery and reporting processes. Doing so now will reduce rework – or needing to start from scratch – years down the road when your clients may walk away from you because of it.

Building an effective back office at scale
As many security companies secure bids and hire officers to meet those specific SLAs, many are finding themselves having to commensurately increase the resources they’re putting into their back office to keep pace.

That’s not sustainable. If you’re constantly increasing your operations and back-office at a 1:1 growth rate, the revenue gained from new contracts will constantly be allocated to cover your growing overhead. Essentially, that just means everyone is doing more work without much to show for it.

Instead, invest in solutions that reduce the amount of time your back-office teams are spending on manual tasks related to payroll, HR, accounting and reconciliation. It’s even better if your solution can take the data that’s already been collected from the field – especially time keeping records – and funnel that downstream to inform client invoicing and issuing accurate payroll.

When looking for a system that can do these things, keep an eye out for:
? Automated workflows
? Shared data
? Inform employee and customer self service portals
? Support integrated accounting
? Reduce liability
? Support compliance
? Cut back on manual work

There will always be a need for back-office management and support. But when given the right tools, your existing teams should be able to complete more work at scale no matter your company’s growth rate.

Achieving a balanced ratio
With the growing market, there’s no reason you can’t scoop up available market share in the years to come – as long as you have the right systems in place.

Enterprise software solutions can help in balancing the needs of both your field-based officers and your back office. With appropriate resource allocation, you can maintain a growth trajectory that is profitable and scalable no matter what lies ahead.

Learn more about striking the right balance with your team. Watch this video case study on achieving scalable growth without growing support staff at

With TEAM Software by WorkWave since 2018, Lindsay assists customers improve processes to achieve strategic goals by engaging, collaborating and supporting streamlining efforts. Prior to TEAM Software, Lindsay earned a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Marketing and Management along with several years of professional experience including various client engagement and administration roles.

From Putting Out Fires to Addressing Issues Before They Happen

Jordan Wallach, Belfry Software, Associate Member

Managing all the pieces of a successful security operation is challenging. From recruiting, hiring, and training employees to scheduling, billing clients, and retaining employees, all these elements are interconnected and impact one another. When just one aspect falters, it affects the entire operation and leads to a negative client experience.

Unfortunately, most companies in the security guard services industry rely on fragmented systems to evaluate the health of their business. This leads to a reactive approach, where issues are addressed only after they arise. The problem here is that it doesn’t reduce the risk of these issues happening in the first place – driving you to constantly be putting out fires.

But having one integrated system isn’t enough – it needs to be intuitive for everyone on your staff and it needs to meaningfully save them time. Moreover, it needs to enable proactive, informed decisions, reducing the risk of issues arising in the first place. True business intelligence requires harnessing your company’s data and putting it to work across multiple functions.

For example, imagine having a system that schedules your officers and also processes their payroll. This way, you can match up timesheets exactly with the hours that were supposed to be worked – reducing payroll processing time from 3 days to 3 hours. By tracking officer performance across all areas, you could highlight great service to clients and provide training where needed. And with accurate billing generated from the same system, you can get paid quickly and on time.

Belfry has been solving these problems for customers across California and the US with the industry’s most modern application. Our goal is to help you turn data into actionable business intelligence, beginning to spend more time with your customers and less time putting out fires.

Jordan Wallach is the Co-Founder and CEO of Belfry, the modern operating system for security guard services companies and a CALSAGA Member. Prior to founding Belfry, Jordan was a consultant at McKinsey & Company and a Product Manager at Microsoft, building software used by millions of people worldwide. He has a bachelor’s degree in Data Science from Stanford University.


Profitability in a New Year

Brandy Tomasek, TEAM Software, CALSAGA Network Partner

One of the most straight-forward ways to increase job profitability is to decrease job-related spending. As much of the world faces the possibility of a recession, decreasing spending is top of mind across industries. 

Still, it can seem impossible to cut back on necessary expenditures. Our industry-specific labor market analysis suggests ongoing competitiveness. Labor and overhead – already a significant portion of a security company’s expenses – will likely remain high. 

That’s why it is more important than ever to maintain a clear and accurate picture of your profitability. Job costing should be the driving data force behind every decision you make. 

Job costing: explained

Job costing is an accounting term that enables a business to track costs by individual jobs. The more granular detail you can gather, the more opportunity you have to protect your profit margins. That’s why getting accurate numbers and recording each one down to the job level is so important in protecting profitability – and helping support a data-backed strategy to help you operate better in the future.  

Typically, companies have some kind of process in place that is capturing a 1,000 foot view of profitability. Opportunities are often missed by neglecting to calculate true cost overhead expenses into job-level data. This can include anything from payroll taxes and workers comp, to general liability insurance, supplies, fuel and more. When you don’t account for a portion of these expenses as a cost per job, you really aren’t getting an accurate picture of what it took from your expense budget to service that contract. As labor and supply shortages continue, continuing to take on unprofitable contracts can be dangerous to your resources, time and bottom-line. 

Here’s how job costing should work as a part of your back-office system: 

Process every financial transaction with an associated job number. That includes everything from payroll, to accounts receivable and payable, to adjusting journal entries. At TEAM Software, we’ve built our software solution to include even more features that allow for payroll taxes and miscellaneous insurance costs to be taken down to the job level, based on payroll dollars at that specific job. 

After recording all associated activity to the job level, the rendered data can be used to review accurate accounting practices, compare the data to budgets and (of course) make sure you’re profiting. This information can and should be heavily relied upon for contract renegotiation and bidding future work that might be similar to an existing job.

This kind of feature, when built as a part of an integrated software solution that connects operations, accounting and finance, and the back-office, really sets up security companies to scale, even when times are tough. Remember, your clients are likely seeking to conserve costs as much as you are. Reliable and accurate data gathered through activities like job costing give you the tools to provide clear reporting on the services – and value – you’re delivering on each job. Having this data gathered in one integrated software solution also helps preserve knowledge in the case of turnover at the back-office level, too. 

Now’s the time to fine-tune processes

In an age where manpower is harder to come by, improving back-end systems and software solutions can create efficiencies to reduce your dependency on added overhead. Not only does it shed light onto how much money your company has brought in for a particular job, it provides clear data on how much money your company actually made per job. Once you have this knowledge, you can better allocate resources, adjust SLAs and billing, and fine-tune operations so that you are curbing costs and maximizing profit as much as possible in a tightened economy. 

If you’re new to job costing, remember the industry experts at TEAM Software are always available to help support your goal of reducing costs, maximizing opportunities and supporting profitability. 

Brandy Tomasek joined TEAM Software by WorkWave in 2016. She’s a part of the Client Experience team, working as a Sr. Implementation Lead and Business Consultant. Prior to joining TEAM Software, Brandy earned a Bachelor’s degree in Management and Marketing, as well as her MBA in Organizational Leadership. Brandy’s professional experience spans a range of disciplines from back office accounting to management and leadership in various industries.