Navigating the Increasingly Difficult Waters of California Compliance

Jordan Wallach, Belfry Software, Associate Member

The recent Annual Conference was an eye-opener on how shifting California regulations are reshaping the compliance scene for guard services firms. It’s clear: the back office is now in the hot seat, juggling more than ever – from sick time tracking and overtime calculations to break compliance. This could mean less time for those strategic moves that set your business apart from the crowd.

The updated California regulations necessitate meticulous tracking of sick time accruals and carryovers, with the recent law increasing annual sick days from three to five and enhancing carryover provisions. Weighted overtime calculations demand a methodical approach to identify overtime hours and decide on the applicable overtime rate, adhering to California’s specific rules. Break compliance is equally crucial, mandating meal breaks and rest breaks, with non-compliance resulting in significant fines.

Here’s where Belfry strides in as the industry’s purpose-built Payroll & HR platform, integrated with all the other components you need to run a guard services firm. Its end-to-end solution smartly handles time-off tracking, automates those overtime calculations based on California’s rules, and has got break compliance covered too. Belfry isn’t about adding another tool to your stack; it’s about easing compliance to free up your back office. With Belfry, compliance becomes a breeze, letting you focus on what truly matters – delivering exceptional service and carving a distinctive niche in the security sector.

Jordan Wallach is the Co-Founder and CEO of Belfry, the modern operating system for security guard services companies and a CALSAGA Member. Prior to founding Belfry, Jordan was a consultant at McKinsey & Company and a Product Manager at Microsoft, building software used by millions of people worldwide. He has a bachelor’s degree in Data Science from Stanford University.