Adelynn Camacho, Guardian Secure Solutions LLC, Associate Member

Running a Private Security Company isn’t just about being vigilant—it’s about staying ahead to provide exceptional service.

The workflows of your Operation’s Team are the heartbeat of your organization, and failure to effectively plan the workflows will result in failure of the Operations. If you run an exceptional Internal Dispatch Center, your workflows must be clear, concise, and without any “grey” areas.

But where do you start?

Selecting a stellar team and setting them up for success before you even launch your Dispatch Center or Security Operations Center (SOC) is step 1. Dispatching is a far more demanding position than most expect, and not one to take lightly or hire quickly. This type of role requires a special individual who has a natural ability to multitask, remain calm under pressure, and help others stay calm.

Your dispatch team and operators should be fully trained on standard dispatching protocols before their first day of live action. The development of protocols and procedures is a lengthy process that must be thought out completely, prior to hiring your team. Remember, your dispatchers are there to support your physical security operations, and having written protocols that are easily accessible with clearly outlined workflows transfers accountability from your hands to theirs.

Streamlined processes are an operator’s lifeline!

Using technology to leverage your operations can alleviate user error and maximize your operations capabilities… while elevating your dispatchers! For example, incident response from Security cameras with automated detection capabilities removes the need to have eyes on the cameras 24/7, which is an expectation with inevitable flaws. Another example, using phone capability to screen caller types that will automatically update the dispatchers with the type of call being received allows for a more rapid response. All these technology aspects require set up, training and ongoing management review. As we know, technology is only as smart as we make it.

In any industry, but especially in a Dispatch Center, documentation keeps the company afloat. Your dispatchers will be required to analyze on a consistent basis as well as keep documentation up to the minute! Documentation is a task that at times may seem simple, quick & underwhelming but actually requires constant oversight from the management team. These details are paramount in the physical security operations world, and may come to a point where timely, complete and clear documentation either makes or breaks the company. Dispatchers wear many hats, and the expectations placed on them must be reasonable.

Possibly, the most challenging aspect of your dispatcher’s role is that tasks are ever-changing & never ending. Successful dispatchers have very little down time and should be using any “free” time to prepare for handling upcoming issues. Your management team sets the tone and the tone related to the expectation of productivity must be clear.

Your Security Operations Center is an investment and must be treated as such. Investing in technology, training, and staff is vital. The goal is to streamline operations through alignment of the overall business goals then as your business expands, your operations can also seamlessly expand.

The reality of running an Internal Dispatch Center is that it is time consuming, expensive, requires constant updates and attention. But using proven methodology to minimize issues, and maximize effectiveness can mitigate burn out for both you and your Center.

To learn more about our Security Operations Center and how we can serve you, visit our website

Adelynn Camacho is a security professional who has played a wide range of roles within security operations. Her passion is driven by her experience in physical security management and her goal is to find unique solutions for her clients so they can elevate their own businesses. 














Bob Perry, Robert H. Perry & Associates, Incorporated

Private Equity’s large commitment to the U.S. manned guarding space has been very good for owners of privately held companies. The prices and terms have been unprecedented. But with these opportunities come challenges in proving the company has the earnings capacity to justify the investment 

Twenty years ago . . .
the U.S. manned guarding market was a homogeneous one. The bill and pay rates within a given geographic market were basically the same. The primary service offering was standing security officers. Therefore, the only difference between a large guarding company and a smaller one was the amount of revenue and number of employees. The acquisition process was simple: given that most of the sellers had the same gross profit percentage, the buyers could value their targets based on a multiple of gross monthly revenue, or percent of annual revenue, and meet their expected return on the investment. The buyers back then were mostly divisions of public companies, and the due diligence was performed by the buyers’ employees. The due diligence was primarily a process of examining billing invoices, payroll registers and customer contracts, which usually took about two days at the seller’s office. There were hardly any negative surprises after closing.

Ten years ago . . .
the mega-size companies such as Securitas and G4S started anticipating the eventual shortage of labor and responded by providing higher margin electronic security to supplement, and sometimes replace, the traditional manned guarding offering. Eventually, the medium-size, and some of the smaller, companies followed with their own higher margin offerings. But not all the companies had the same mix of manned guarding to electronic security, which resulted in companies with the same revenue level having dissimilar gross and net profits.  Today, it’s estimated that approximately 25% of the total U.S. manned guarding market is coming from companies offering a higher margin offering that not only includes electronic security but also off-duty police, drones, robots, executive protection, cyber security, etc.   And the dissimilar gross profit between companies of equal size resulted in a change from valuing the acquisition targets on a multiple of gross monthly, or a percentage of annual, revenue to valuing the companies on a multiple of gross profits (profit at the site level).

Today . . .
there are 10 large private equity groups invested in the U.S. manned guarding space with combined revenues of over $15 billion – representing over half the total market. And these are the companies that are the most favored buyers when it comes to offering the sellers the best prices and terms. However, with better prices and terms come more challenges in getting the transaction closed. These buyers are not accustomed to buying companies on multiples of gross units; rather they are looking at multiples of earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA), or more recently, multiples of free cash flow – usually with generous redundant cost add backs.  These aggressive private equity groups are not leaving the final decision to buy the company up to the executives that run their manned guarding subsidiary. These executives are usually not experienced in buying companies and, even if they are, they usually don’t have the in-house talent to perform a proper due diligence on the target seller. The private equity group owners need to know that the information provided by the seller is reasonably correct before they come up with the multi-million- dollar outlay to buy the company. They want and need a third- party verification of the information the seller provided during the negotiations leading up to the offer. This third party, which is independent of the Private Equity Group’s manned guarding subsidiary, will produce what’s called a “quality of earnings” report that points out the negative and/or positive aspects of the seller’s accounting system. The third party will also examine underlying documents all of which will help the private equity group buyer understand the return it can expect to make off the acquisition.

The third party will usually be a large accounting firm with a special division experienced in producing “quality of earnings” reports.   The third party will be directed by the buyer in what to examine, given the size and importance of the acquisition, so as not to waste time on unimportant aspects.   However, without proper planning from the seller, the review can be very time consuming and disruptive to the regular duties of the personnel assigned to provide the information requested. But more important, the lack of planning can cause the process to slow down, thus losing the all- important momentum necessary for a successful consummation of the sale.

A typical request list will initially include 50 – 75 items with additional requests as the review progresses. There may be a short list for the smaller company with an expanded list for the larger ones.  But in all cases, as mentioned above, proper planning and being engaged in the process is crucial. Engaging a transaction manager (broker), experienced in managing the sale of manned guarding companies and familiar with the various buy side request lists, will add a lot of value to this process and prevent wasted time and money brought about by false starts.

Tips for Surviving the “Quality of Earning” Report

  • Engage an accounting firm to produce a “sell-side quality of earnings” report. This can be produced by a large accounting firm with a “quality of earnings” department or the seller’s outside accounting firm. It should be started well in advance of the sale process so it’s ready for the buyer’s third- party due diligence firm when the time comes for the seller to let the buyer see more detailed information on the company.  It will not replace the need for the buyer to engage its own firm, but greatly expedites the process if the sell-side report is otherwise credible and contains the appropriate information. This sell-side report can be expensive, which is the reason many sellers are reluctant to provide it but, if it saves the deal from losing the all- important momentum, it can be well worth the investment.
  • If a sale side report is not feasible, start accumulating the information internally, well in advance of the time the buyer will produce its own list. A lot of the information needed will appear on the request list of almost all of the third- party firms. Many of the items are not time sensitive, so can be completed early or at least started and updated as the due diligence progresses. Ideally, the information should be stored in the confidential computer data room of the transaction manager that will ultimately be representing the seller in the transaction. Not only does starting on the list early expedite the transaction, but it allows the personnel assigned to accumulate the information to work at a more organized pace and thus does not disrupt the normal work assignments.   It also helps keep the negotiations confidential and eliminates the possibility of the word getting out prematurely that the company is being sold.
  • Make sure the personnel accumulating the information are aware of the timeline and check with them on a frequent basis. If the information is not accumulated in advance of the actual due diligence, as mentioned above, then the slow-down arises when the personnel getting the information is not aware of the importance of expediting their work. They will probably have to be informed about the pending sale with a return promise to keep the work confidential. The personnel are often given bonuses for meeting certain deadlines.

Robert (Bob) Perry is the founder and CEO of Robert H. Perry & Associates, Incorporated.  Prior to forming RHPA, Bob was a partner in a CPA firm where he advised on corporate tax and general accounting matters.  Although RHPA’s primarily focus is on managing the sale of privately held security companies with revenues ranging from $2 million to over $250 million, it has also provided advisory services for large private equity groups in making bids on security companies with revenues exceeding $2 billion.   While most of the engagements have been for security companies headquartered in North America, a few have been for companies headquartered in Europe, South America, The Middle East, Africa, and The Caribbean.



Josh Petro, TEAM Software by WorkWave, CALSAGA Network Partner

Throughout 2023, the job market stayed relatively consistent throughout. Economists reported that the U.S. was at or near full employment, meaning that virtually all the people who were able and willing to work were employed. In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported in 2023 that there were approximately one or fewer unemployed persons per job opening.

Researchers attributed part of the lingering shortfall in labor force participation to be primarily driven by people aged 55 and older. That part of the labor force retired early during the pandemic and was less likely to reenter the workforce. However, with 25 to 54-year-olds, the participation rate slightly surpassed pre-pandemic levels.

In short, the current job market is still tight for business owners throughout North America, and in order for businesses to meet their staffing needs in 2024, guarding firms will need to take advantage of actionable opportunities to help improve employee retention and hiring efforts.

Actionable strategies to improve hiring

Employees want to work for a company with a positive reputation and a successful track record for showing that they care about their workers. To help spread positive messaging, hiring and employer branding efforts can showcase that a particular workplace meets the needs of employees and encourages them to take pride in the company.

As the current job market remains tight, investing in branding lets employees stand out from the competition. Additionally, a strong employer brand can foster loyalty amongst current employees, which may boost the number of referrals from employees – a method that can also save valuable dollars on recruitment costs.

Successfully building and promoting an employee brand can start with utilizing a widely trafficked career website, such as Since the majority of job applications come from career sites, potential employees will want to utilize these resources that can provide valuable information about your company. Promote your openings but also use this resource to showcase benefits and workplace culture.

Combining job sites with an applicant tracking system (ATS) can take things a step further to improve hiring and help a company source applicants at high volumes. Using an ATS will also help with transferring job and candidate information. Expect the hiring process to move much quicker since ATS platforms help recruiters post openings and better manage candidates.

With an ATS platform, it’s possible to reach a wider pool of applicants and review work history and qualifications more expediently, while running background checks and screening candidates more efficiently. An ATS can also help discern where exactly hires originate. For example, an employer may want to know how many hires found the Indeed job link online or via the company website, since that provides details pertaining to return on investment and cost per application.

Retaining qualified workers

Security professionals deal with high turnover rates, but it is possible to use modern technology to retain workers. In particular, earned wage access or on-demand pay is an alternative to increasing base pay that lets employers reap retention benefits.

Instead of employees relying on services, such as third-party payday lenders, who can charge high interest rates and create a cycle of debt – employees can request an advance of their pay without disrupting the actual pay cycle.

Business software solutions that provide earned wage access typically handle the calculations and distribute available funds to employees, while the normal payroll cycle of a business continues without any interruptions. In the past, earned wage access has encouraged good electronic timekeeping habits while reducing employee turnover.

In addition to providing a useful benefit to retain employees, security professionals can take steps to ensure that new hires show up for work on their first day. While background checks are being completed before hiring a new employee, it has been reported that a number of employees find other positions during the screening process, which could take weeks.

Business owners can consider implementing pre-boarding strategies to make sure they remain in contact with new hires and keep them engaged. A few examples of pre-boarding strategies may include sending follow-up greeting messages from their new manager to welcome them to their team. Human resource professionals can also engage newly hired workers in the onboarding process by providing answers about benefits and answering common questions.

Applying labor market research

To aid employers in the security industry in understanding employee turnover and low labor participation, our team of industry experts compiled this in-depth analysis of 2023 global trends for cleaning and security companies, providing a forecast for what to expect in 2024.

In this detailed guide titled Data Report: Labor Trends, we highlight opportunities for companies to become employers of choice, shorten their time to hire and implement proven strategies to combat high turnover rates, while outlining how to use labor market data to strategize during a tough economic climate. The content is accessible via the QR code in the TEAM Software ad within this issue, or it can be found on our website at

Josh has been supporting customers for over a decade. After working as a Product Manager for over three years, he moved into a director role at the beginning of 2023, where he has continued to express his passion for crafting products that truly enrich the lives of others.


Frustrated With Workers’ Compensation Audits? It Used To Be Much Easier!

Shaun Kelly, Tolman & Wiker, CALSAGA Preferred Broker

Great to see everyone at the CALSAGA Annual Conference, it was truly a great event my hat goes off to CALSAGA for coordinating all the speakers and evening activities! I believe the conference is particularly a good opportunity to network with other Members and vendors. 

Workers’ Compensation audits are becoming more confusing and frustrating to complete! Auditors are requesting more information than they ever have before, including financial statements. Prior to Covid, Workers Compensation audits were required to be in person, now most are remote by email and phone. The Information you have to provide must be submitted in to them in secured files that are difficult to use.  And, if you happen to be late, a Notice of Cancellation is sent out immediately to get your attention. What has changed? 

Here are a few possible explanations for what has changed:

  1. Experienced auditors have retired and the new underwriters are trying to understand the process without limited knowledge and experience.
  2. The new auditors are being trained to request as much information as possible.
  3. The passing of AB 5 (Recognizing Independent Contractors as employees under the new guidelines) has auditors searching for employers who are not following the AB 5 guidelines and charging them additional premium.

ISSUE: Employers have concerns with providing financials that they have not had to provide in the past. However, this is how the auditors find out if there are expenses paid to independent contractors under AB 5. Per each Workers’ Compensation insurance policy in CA, every employer must provide the following for a final premium audit:  

  1. Audit – You will let us examine and audit all your records that relate to this policy. These records include ledgers, journals, registers, vouchers, contracts, tax reports, payroll and disbursement records, and programs for storing and retrieving data. We may conduct the audits during regular business hours during the policy period and within three years after the policy ends. Information developed by audit will be used to determine final premium. Insurance rate service organizations have the same rights we have under this provision. (The rate service organization they are referencing is the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau (WCIRB) that may request an inspection to confirm the employees are classified correctly under the WCIRB rating guidelines).

From the WCIRB, when determining the basis of premium, the following are included as payroll:

  • Gross wages
  • Salaries
  • Commissions
  • All bonuses
  • Most profit sharing
  • Vacation, holiday and sick pay
  • Overtime (“straight time” portion only)
  • The market value of gifts
  • Automobile allowances (less reimbursement for documented expenses)

The following items are excluded from payroll when determining the rating basis:

  • Meals or lodging (unless the classification phraseology specifically includes them or they are provided in lieu of wages)
  • Tips
  • Overtime excess pay (the increase above the regular hourly wage)
  • Severance pay (except for accrued vacation, sick pay, commissions and bonuses)
  • Employer contributions to qualified insurance, stock or retirement plans
  • Stock options
  • The value of an automobile furnished to an employee

In addition, the following are not included as payroll for premium computation:

  • Employee discounts for merchandise
  • Residual payments for commercials
  • A uniform allowance


Payroll for Workers’ Compensation insurance purposes is not the same as the Internal Revenue Service definition of payroll.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Take care

Shaun Kelly joined Tolman & Wiker Insurance Services in 2005.  He specializes in all lines of property and casualty insurance for industries including contract security firms, agriculture, construction, oil and gas. Shaun received a BS in Business Administration with a major in Finance from California State University in Fresno, California. He is an active member of several industry associations, including the Association CALSAGA, the Kern County Builders Exchange and the Independent Insurance Agents of Kern County. Shaun can be reached at 661-616-4700 or

Navigating the Increasingly Difficult Waters of California Compliance

Jordan Wallach, Belfry Software, Associate Member

The recent Annual Conference was an eye-opener on how shifting California regulations are reshaping the compliance scene for guard services firms. It’s clear: the back office is now in the hot seat, juggling more than ever – from sick time tracking and overtime calculations to break compliance. This could mean less time for those strategic moves that set your business apart from the crowd.

The updated California regulations necessitate meticulous tracking of sick time accruals and carryovers, with the recent law increasing annual sick days from three to five and enhancing carryover provisions. Weighted overtime calculations demand a methodical approach to identify overtime hours and decide on the applicable overtime rate, adhering to California’s specific rules. Break compliance is equally crucial, mandating meal breaks and rest breaks, with non-compliance resulting in significant fines.

Here’s where Belfry strides in as the industry’s purpose-built Payroll & HR platform, integrated with all the other components you need to run a guard services firm. Its end-to-end solution smartly handles time-off tracking, automates those overtime calculations based on California’s rules, and has got break compliance covered too. Belfry isn’t about adding another tool to your stack; it’s about easing compliance to free up your back office. With Belfry, compliance becomes a breeze, letting you focus on what truly matters – delivering exceptional service and carving a distinctive niche in the security sector.

Jordan Wallach is the Co-Founder and CEO of Belfry, the modern operating system for security guard services companies and a CALSAGA Member. Prior to founding Belfry, Jordan was a consultant at McKinsey & Company and a Product Manager at Microsoft, building software used by millions of people worldwide. He has a bachelor’s degree in Data Science from Stanford University.

Lead Your People Well Everyday: Tips for Effective Leadership

Anne Laguzza, CEO – The Works Consulting, Network Partner

Laws change. External factors impact the industry. Clients’ needs shift. There are many outside influences that impact how your operations function and the responsibilities of your team. However, what doesn’t change is the principles of effective leadership.

Follow these three tips to effectively lead your employees everyday – no matter the external factors. 

1. Communicate Daily

Communication is a critical component of actively managing your officers. Regular communication solves issues, often before they arise, and instills confidence in your workforce.

Effective communication is made up of 10% words + 35-45% tone + 45-55% body language. Go beyond text messages, instead have a voice or video conversation. Taking that extra step to make a voice or video call is critical to effectively communicating important assignments and avoiding miscommunications that happen when only using text. This is especially helpful for officers who work solo without seeing anyone in management for weeks or months and can get disconnected quickly.

Regular, effective communication builds trust with your team and boosts employee morale.

2. Convey Appreciation

 Conveying your appreciation for your people is another critical principle of effective leadership. You can do so much to make your officers feel valued and important with very little effort or cost and see an incredible return on your investment.

When I worked internally in the industry, my job was to turn around morale and reduce employee complaints among the 600 employees. I was able to do both, just by recognizing the “human” in these officers and treating them with respect with every interaction. The leadership of our company was very good at getting out in the field and communicating with officers and shaking hands. These interactions made our employees feel valued and important.

A simple phone call or other personalized communication to individual officers from the leader of your company to say thank you will go a long way in ensuring your officers feel valued.

3. Set and Communicate Clear Expectations

When you set expectations and communicate them on a regular basis, you provide your team with a clear path for success.

When your employees face a new or unexpected situation, they – on their own – will be able to reason through the problem and find a solution that aligns with your expectations and represents your company appropriately because you were so clear on communicating those expectations.

Another benefit of regularly communicating expectations regularly is that critical performance conversations will be easier to have with your employees because you have set expectations and can clearly point to where performance has not aligned without any confusion.

As we close out another year and look ahead to changes that every new year can bring, it’s important to  stay focused on what never changes – effective leadership because effective leadership builds high performing teams. 

Anne Laguzza is the CEO of The Works Consulting. As a seasoned business executive with human resources management, leadership development, and performance coaching experience, Anne works with clients from a variety of industries to develop better systems, maximize employee productivity, and enable management to focus on business growth.

Prior to founding The Works Consulting in 2001, Anne served as the Regional Human Resources Director for a Fortune 500 distribution company where she led a merger transition team and was responsible for strategic planning, implementing new policies and procedures, workforce restructuring, compensation structures, and integrating the work cultures for over 600 employees.

In addition, Anne was formerly the Human Resources and Training Director for a start-up entertainment company where she organized and implemented a company-wide change management program that involved new company direction and strategic planning. Prior to her work in the entertainment industry, Anne served as the Regional Training Manager for a nationwide retailer where she developed and launched a multi-state training program for human resources managers as part of a corporate expansion project.

Anne earned her Master of Arts degree in Organizational Management from Antioch University, and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from the University of California, Riverside. She is an active member of the Society of Human Resources Management, and is a board member for Harbor Interfaith Services and an advisory board member for Arthritis National Research Foundation. Anne has taught human resources and management courses at Long Beach City College and California State University, Dominguez Hills, and volunteers at non-profit organizations teaching interviewing skills to adults seeking re-entry into the workforce.

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How to Effectively Navigate Non-Exempt Employee Meal Break Compliance

Tavon Parris, Trackforce Valiant + TrackTik, CALSAGA Network Partner

It’s no secret that many states have strict laws related to employee meal breaks. In California, for example, employers must provide employees with an uninterrupted 30-minute meal break for every five hours worked.

But for employers looking to provide unpaid meal breaks to their non-exempt employees, compliance can be complicated. Subsequently, failure to comply can be costly. Why? Because merely scheduling an employee for a 30-minute meal break, without more, is simply not enough to ensure compliance.

It’s why employers must take proactive steps to ensure employees:

  • Take their full meal breaks
  • Are relieved of all duties
  • Are not impeded or discouraged from taking their full, uninterrupted meal breaks

But taking these steps is just the start. Additionally, employers should also collect and keep data they can use to prove compliance in case of a legal claim. And with technology transforming compliance opportunities for employers, a variety of tools can now be used to avoid being swept away in the wave of litigation involving meal break violations.

Dive deeper by getting your copy of Trackforce Valiant + TrackTik’s latest white paper. You’ll learn more about:

  • What employers can do to help ensure compliance
    • Appointing a meal break for at least 30 minutes for non-exempt employees
    • Adopting a down-to-the-minute timekeeping system
    • Ensuring no duties are performed during the meal period
    • And more!
  • What’s next for the future of break management
    • Remote workforce tracking
    • Harnessing data
    • Looking for data trends
    • And more!
  • How technology can be used to nail compliance in the years to come
    • What that means for your business
  • How to future-proof your business beyond meal break compliance

This content was written with the help of experts at Littler Mendelson, the largest labor and employment law firm in the United States.

Grab your copy today

Trackforce Valiant + TrackTik combines over 45 years of total experience with the brightest and most influential minds to provide its customers with the industry’s most comprehensive security workforce management solution. Our cloud-based solutions help corporations and security guard service providers handle every aspect of security workforce management.

Tavon Parris


David Chandler, CALSAGA President 

As stated in section 7582.12 of the California Business and Professions Code, your license shall at all times be posted in a conspicuous place in the principal place of business of the licensee.

What constitutes a “conspicuous place?” The BSIS believes a conspicuous place to be a location that can be seen by the public when entering through the front door. This means that a license hanging in the hallway or posted in a lunch or break room is not compliant. If you are in violation, make sure that you rectify the situation as soon as possible! Each violation may carry a $250 fine.


This content originally appeared in the Q2 2019 edition of The Californian: The Quarterly Newsletter of CALSAGA. Read past editions of The Californian: The Quarterly Newsletter of CALSAGA.


David Chandler, CALSAGA President 

The California Code of Regulations is very specific concerning certificates for security officer training modules.

Division 7 of Title 16 Section 7583 of the California Code of Regulations: The certificate shall identify the course(s) taken, the number of hours of training provided, identification of the issuing entity, name of the individual and instructor and a date, and state that the course(s) comply with the Department of Consumer Affairs’ Skills Training Course for Security Guards. The certificate shall be serially numbered for tracking.

Please make sure that all certificates that you are accepting from employees and that you are issuing to officers comply with all requirements. Included as a benefit of membership, CALSAGA members have access to the CALSAGA Training Database. The database allows trainers to track officer’s training and to generate compliant certificates. Click here to learn more about the database and how you can get started using it today!

This content originally appeared in the Q2 2018 edition of The Californian: The Quarterly Newsletter of CALSAGA. Read past editions of The Californian: The Quarterly Newsletter of CALSAGA.


David Chandler, CALSAGA President 

  •  If you are currently operating your PPO as a Corporation, remember that you MUST notify the Bureau of a change of your corporate officers within 30 days. 7582.19 (a)
  • All new corporate officers, or new partners in a partnership, must submit a Personal Identification Form as well as a Live Scan (to CA DOJ) prior to any involvement in any operation related to security. The Bureau must approve before you can begin working with the corporation or partnership.  19 (b)
  •  In a General Partnership, if one of the partners leaves (disassociation for any reason) a NEW application must be submitted (due to the change in the general partnership). A new PPO number will be issued pending approval by the Bureau. 7582.23 ©
  • Please periodically check with the Secretary of State to confirm the information for your organization is the same as the Bureau has on file, including the address of record. Corporations must submit the names of the CEO, CFO and Secretary as well as any other corporate officer who will be active in the business to be licensed. 7582.7 (i)

This content originally appeared in the Q1 2018 edition of The Californian: The Quarterly Newsletter of CALSAGA. Read past editions of The Californian: The Quarterly Newsletter of CALSAGA.