CALSAGA President David Chandler, along with several other Executive Board Members, met virtually with BSIS Chief Lynne Andres and BSIS staff this week. After recently returning to the office, BSIS employees are once again working remotely due to a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the office.
On behalf of CALSAGA, Chandler expressed the Association’s appreciation for working with us to expedite guard cards following the issuance of the Governor’s shelter in place order. As of June 1st, the BSIS has resumed normal processing operations.
The Bureau Chief asked us to express the urgent need for all CALSAGA Members to submit both Guard Card and Firearm Applications – both initial and renewals- to the BSIS via the online system BreEZe. The processing time for paper applications is significantly longer than applications submitted online and is currently experiencing additional delays due to the challenges with the pandemic.
BSIS Licensing staff has indicated that typos, missing documentation and other errors continue to cause processing delays. It is recommended that applicants confirm the accuracy of information submitted. Furthermore, applicants should ensure that LiveScan operators are entering the applicant’s social security number when submitting information. The social security number is not a required field and thus is often omitted which may also contribute to longer processing times.
As an association, we strive to support our member companies. Please email Association Manager Kate Wallace at if we can do anything to assist you.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the CALSAGA Board of Directors have elected to transition the 2020 CALSAGA Annual Conference to a virtual format.This decision was made as a safety precaution for our attendees, speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, staff and the public. This also provides the opportunity to expand our program to a broader audience.
CALSAGA has served as a voice for the private security industry for over twenty-five years. Virtual conference attendees can expect great programing and information to help you run your business and make necessary adjustments during these unprecedented times.
Schedule and registration for the Virtual Annual Conference as well as the logistics of the election for the 2021-2022 CALSAGA Board of Directors will be available soon. Please continue to hold the dates of October 20th – 22nd and plan to engage with us digitally from the safety of your own home or office. For the most up-to-date information about the 2020 CALSAGA Virtual Annual Conference visit
Our intention is to return to physical events in 2021. Please save the date for the 2021 CALSAGA Annual Conference which will take place October 19th – 21st at the Agua Caliente Resort Rancho Mirage.
As an association we strive to keep you up-to-date on relevant information for your business. Please review the information below from Shaun Kelly of CALSAGA Preferred Broker Tolman & Wiker regarding workers compensation benefits and
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Great news!
On May 6, 2020, Governor Newsom signed an Executive Order announcing that workers who contract COVID-19 while on the job may be able to receive workers compensation benefits. The order made a time-limited rebuttable presumption that COVID-19 worker illnesses are work-related. This created a concern that these claims would be included in the computation of an individual employer’s workers compensation experience modification by the Workers Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau (WCIRB).
In response to the Executive Order, on April 17, 2020 the WCIRB voted to propose amendments to the California Workers’ Compensation Uniform Statistical Reporting Plan with regards to COVID-19 claims. One of these amendments was to exclude COVID-19 claims reported to the bureau (WCIRB) for calculating Experience Modifications. The vote was unanimous and a proposal was made to the Department of Insurance.
On June 15, 2020 the Department of Insurance decided that COVID-19 claims will be excluded from the computation of an employer’s workers compensation experience modification. This is great news and brings some relief to those dealing with employees who have been exposed to the virus. Take a look at the lightning link pokies real money
If you have any questions, please give us a call.
Shaun Kelly, Sr. VP, Risk Advisor
Tolman & Wiker Insurance Services
(661) 616-4712
Read the Decision and Order
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Register Now for the Live Webinar
As an association we strive to keep you up-to-date on relevant information for your business. Please review the information below from Shaun Kelly of CALSAGA Preferred Broker Tolman & Wiker.
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It’s that time of the year again… Heat Illness Prevention season!
With the change in seasons comes the warmer weather and it is imperative (And required by Cal/OSHA) that all employers train their supervisors and employees on heat illness prevention. The safety of your employees is the responsibility of the employer and if an unfortunate event does occur, Cal/OSHA may be investigating the event. If so, they will be asking if you have your Heat Illness Prevention Program in place. The investigation will include verification that you have provided training to your supervisors and employees.
A Cal/OSHA study identified the key role that employers play in preventing worker fatalities due to heat illness. The findings highlighted the value of training supervisors so that they can make the fullest use of their power to control safety on the job.
California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 3395 Heat Illness Prevention requires all employers to have a Heat Illness Prevention Program which includes the following:
Provide fresh/potable drinking water
Employers must provide employees with fresh, pure, and suitably cool water, free of charge. Enough water must be provided for each employee to drink at least one quart, or four 8-ounce glasses, per hour and the water must be located as close as practicable to the work area. Employers are also required to encourage employees to drink water frequently
Provide access to shade
When temperatures exceed 80 degrees, employees must be provided shade at all times in an area that is ventilated, cooled, or open to air and that is as close as practicable to the work area. There must be sufficient space provided in the shade to accommodate all employees taking rest. When temperatures do not exceed 80 degrees, employees must be provided timely access to shade upon request. Employees should be allowed and encouraged to take preventative cool-down rest as needed, for at least 5 minutes per rest needed.
Have high heat procedures in place
High heat procedures are required of agricultural employers when temperatures exceed 95 degrees. The procedures must provide for the maintenance of effective communication with supervisors at all times, observance of employees for symptoms of heat illness, procedures for calling for emergency medical services, reminders for employees to drink water, pre-shift meetings to review heat procedures and the encouragement of employees to drink plenty of water and take preventative cool-down rest as needed.
Agricultural employers must additionally ensure employees take, at a minimum, one 10-minute preventative cool-down rest period every two hours in periods of high heat.
Allow for acclimatization
New employees or those newly assigned to a high heat area must be closely observed for the first 14 days of their assignment. All employees must be observed for signs of heat illness during heat waves. A “heat wave” is any day where the temperature predicted is at least 80 degrees and 10 degrees higher than the average high daily temperature the preceding 5 days.
Train all employees regarding heat illness prevention Employees must be trained regarding the risk factors of heat illness and the employers’ procedures and obligations for complying with the Cal/OSHA requirements for heat illness prevention. Supervisors must additionally be trained regarding their obligations under the heat illness prevention plan and how to monitor weather reports and how to respond to heat warnings.
Have emergency response procedures
Employers must have sufficient emergency response procedures to ensure employees exhibiting signs of heat illness are monitored and emergency medical services are called if necessary.
Have a Heat Illness Prevention Plan
Employers must have a written heat illness prevention plan that includes, at a minimum, the procedures for access to shade and water, high heat procedures, emergency response procedures, and acclimatization methods and procedures.
Download a sample Heat Illness Prevention Plan
With all of the constant changes and updates required by CalOSHA compliance, if you do not have a dedicated Safety Manager, Tolman & Wiker highly recommends hiring a Safety Consultant to make it easier on you to stay current. Tolman & Wiker has worked with EEAP/Got Safety for many years to customize Safety Plans and keep clients compliant, especially lately with COVID-19. At this time, EEAP/Got Safety has partnered with Tolman & Wiker to provide CALSAGA clients with a reduced rate which is very reasonable. Please let them know that Tolman & Wiker referred you and they will take care of you.
EEAP/Got Safety
Rick Rohmann, Operations Manager
Cell: 661-433-7063 – (Preferred Contact Method)
Office: 800-734-3574 Ext #102
Direct & Fax: 435-708-0014
Be safe and call Tolman & Wiker if you need assistance!
Shaun Kelly, Sr. VP, Risk Advisor
Tolman & Wiker Insurance Services
(661) 616-4712
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View all COVID-19 Related Updates + CALSAGA’s Response to the Pandemic
Register Now for the Live Webinar
This month’s Security University Lite Webinar takes place in less than two weeks!
Barry Bradley, Esq. and Jaimee Wellerstein, Esq. of CALSAGA Legal Advisor Bradley & Gmelich will provide some quick practical pointers to help your organization deal with both internal as well as external legal threats as your clients return to work.
Register Now for the Live Webinar
View all COVID-19 Related Updates + CALSAGA’s Response to the Pandemic
As a member service organization, CALSAGA strives to serve our members and the industry to the best of our ability. In addition to the Member Benefits we normally provide, CALSAGA is proud that we have been able to support our members during this unprecedented time in the following ways.
Free Monthly Educational Webinars
CALSAGA has temporarily suspended the scheduling of our management training program Security University which is a two-day in-person event. Beginning in April, we are hosting a series of monthly Security University Lite Webinars in the interim of being about to host physical events. Our next Security University Lite Webinar: Handling Legal Pitfalls During COVID-19 will take place on Wednesday, June 24th at 10am. Barry Bradley and Jaimee Wellerstein of CALSAGA Legal Advisor Bradley & Gmelich will provide some quick practical pointers to help your organization deal with both internal as well as external legal threats as your client’s return to work. This webinar is FREE for members. Register Now
Free Face Masks
Due to our non-profit status and our support for essential services member companies and thanks to the California Office of Emergency Services, CALSAGA has acquired tens of thousands of disposable masks which we are able to distribute to our member companies. To date our team has received 20,000 masks which will be shipped to members by the end of this week. 30,000 more are scheduled to arrive and be shipped to our members in the coming weeks. If you are a CALSAGA Member and have not already requested masks you can do so here: More Information about Requesting Masks
Information and Resource Sharing
CALSAGA strives to disseminate information and access to resources always but especially during this time.
Expedited Guard Card Processing Assistance
In March BSIS Chief Lynne Andres agreed to work with CALSAGA to expedite the processing of new Guard Cards. CALSAGA submitted expedite requests for more than 100 officers to the BSIS on behalf of our members. (Please note that effective June 1st the BSIS has resumed normal processing activities.)
Subcontractor List
View a list of CALSAGA members have a surplus of officers
If you are interested in subcontracting please contact the member company directly.
Register for the Live Webinar Now
View all COVID-19 Updates from CALSAGA
As an association we strive to keep you up-to-date on relevant information for your business. Please review the information below from the Department of Consumer Affairs of which the Bureau of Security & Investigative Services is a division.
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Order Waiving Requalification Requirements for Private Investigators, Private Patrol Operators, and Alarm Company Agents
On March 4, 2020, the Governor proclaimed a State of Emergency to exist in California as a result of the impacts of COVID-19 to make additional resources available, formalize emergency actions already underway across multiple state agencies and departments, and help the state prepare to respond to an increasing number of individuals requiring medical care and hospitalization as a result of a broader spread of COVID-19.
Pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order N-40-20, during the State of Emergency, the Director of the California Department of Consumer Affairs may, for licensing agencies within the Department, waive any statutory or regulatory continuing education requirements pertaining to individuals licensed pursuant to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code for a period of 60 days.
Accordingly, for individuals whose firearm permits expire between March 31, 2020, and May 29, 2020, the Director temporarily waives Business and Professions Code sections 7542.11, subdivision (b)(2), 7583.32, subdivision (b)(2), and 7596.7, subdivision (c), and California Code of Regulations, title 16, section 633, subdivisions (a) and (b)(1), to the extent they require such individuals to complete a fourth training course, examination and range qualification in order to renew a firearm permit.
Permittees must satisfy any waived renewal requirements within 60 days of this order.
This temporary waiver does not relieve such individuals from timely complying with any other renewal requirements, including completing and submitting the required renewal forms to the governing licensing agency.
As a result of this waiver, the Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureau of Security and Investigative Services may renew firearm permits despite noncompliance with the statutory or regulatory requalification renewal requirements identified above. Such renewal shall, however, be subject to revocation if the permittee does not satisfy the waived renewal requirements within 60 days of this order.
This order is effective immediately but may be amended as circumstances require.
Dated May 29, 2020
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CALSAGA has masks to share with our members!
We appreciate the efforts of you and your officers and want to do what we can to assist you in staying safe.
CALSAGA has acquired an order of 20,000 disposable masks which we are able to distribute to our member companies (while supplies last). CALSAGA was able to apply for these masks from the California Office of Emergency Services due to our non-profit status and our support for essential services member companies. The disposable ear loop face masks are three ply and latex free. Have fun with a online lightning link pokies australia.
Number of Officers | Number of Masks Which May Be Requested |
1 to 10 | 50 |
11 to 25 | 100 |
26 to 50 | 200 |
51+ | 500 |
Masks are available at no cost to members and CALSAGA will cover the shipping costs. Requests for masks will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.
Submit a Request for Masks
- Company Name:
- Contact Name:
- Number of Officers (as listed in your CALSAGA Membership Profile):
- Shipping Address:
Not a CALSAGA member? Learn more about CALSAGA Membership.
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View all COVID-19 Related Updates + CALSAGA’s Response to the Pandemic
CALSAGA is happy to announce ProtaTECH as our new Online Training Provider.
ProtaTECH’s program Security Officer Regulation Training (SORT) is an affordable web-based program that can be accessed anywhere with internet access, any time of day.
SORT offers initial and continuing education training that satisfies the requirements of AB 2880 Training. Companies have the ability to purchase packages or individual courses to assign to employees.
Purchase through CALSAGA to receive discounted pricing.