Member Spotlight: Fisotec Security

Ashlee Cervantes, CALSAGA Ambassador Committee Chair

The CALSAGA Ambassador Committee is proud to spotlight one of our very own this quarter, Fisotec Security Inc.

Fisotec is not only one of CALSAGA’s longest running members, of 18 years, their executive management team collectively boasts 106+ years in the industry.

Their Mission Statement says it all; “With a commitment to making your mission as our mission, Fisotec Security, Inc. is revolutionizing the industry by bringing forth integrity, courage, and wisdom from each of our security professionals to ensure the ultimate protection of your staff, property, and life’s work.”

Fisotec Security stands out among the competition for a variety of reasons, but their core values are certainly at the forefront. The company founder, Bobby Debozi, describes their core values as being rooted in the principles taught to him by his late mentor, Daisaku Ikeda. Speaking fondly of his late mentor Mr. Debozi explains, “He taught and demonstrated living with a mission, the importance of integrity, being united, and servant leadership.” To this day, these characteristics serve as the foundation of Fisotec Security, Inc.

These core values translate into fostering and empowering security personnel who feel respected, appreciated, and take to heart their roles and responsibility.

Fisotec Security goes to great lengths to invest in the growth of our officers and inspire them to bring out their highest potential. Each of them has a tremendous mission and by helping them tap into that, the officers, in turn, are able to provide our clients the highest level of professional security service possible.

Mr. Debozi describes CALSAGA as the leader in the industry, “in ensuring the success of every security provider.” Mr. Debozi goes on to explain, “Through its educational, coaching, networking, and legislative advocacy efforts, it has striven to raise the standards in the security industry benefitting both security professionals and their clients, alike.” He concludes by explaining how we can all regard CALSAGA as the, “guardian of guardians.”

When asked what challenges Mr. Debozi  believes will face the industry in the future, he did not hesitate to explain, “Technology is advancing at a pace that no one can keep up with.” He elaborated, speaking as a true veteran, “The security industry is constantly evolving, so as security providers we need to evolve, as well.” As our interview continued, Mr. Debozi was asked how an organization such as CALSAGA can help Fisotec, and other member companies, overcome these challenges in such a rapid changing environment. He explained,

that he’d like to see CALSAGA continue to strive to, “keep its members and the industry in rhythm with the changing trends.” Speaking as a seasoned professional he concluded with, “CALSAGA’s commitment to that allows us to see the future with a broader and wiser lens and enables us to navigate our way through that uncertainty.”

Our favorite quote from Mr. Debozi frames the “why” to Fisotec’s purpose, core values and mission succinctly, eloquently and precisely, “Without living a mission, nothing is sustainable, and sense of purpose is lost. Therefore, our client’s mission becomes our mission.”