California’s economy is larger than that of any other state. That’s why it’s a great place to live and a great place to do business.
But doing business here can also be confusing – not to mention frustrating, taxing, and perplexing! You’ve got to think about licenses, insurance, human resources hurdles, client retention and about a thousand other things. On top of all of that the California Code of Regulations requires you to issue a Certificate of Completion to each officer for each training course that you provide.
Here are the requirements according to Division 7 of Title 16 Section 7583 of the Code:
The certificate shall identify the course(s) taken, the number of hours of training provided, identification of the issuing entity, name of the individual and instructor and a date, and state that the course(s) comply with the Department of Consumer Affairs’ Skills Training Course for Security Guards. The certificate shall be serially numbered for tracking.
Sure, on it’s own, that’s not a lot. But then you add in hiring employees, financial administration, creating proposals, management of sales cycle and your plate is pretty full. Now that we’ve caused your blood pressure to go up, let us give you some good news. The CALSAGA Training Database tracks your officers’ training and generates certificates that are compliant with the law and BSIS approved. And the best news is that there’s nothing additional to pay because that service is included with your membership!
We wish it could restock your office supplies and complete all of your employees’ performance reviews but it can help you stay organized and give you confidence in the face of a BSIS audit.

Sample Certificate
If you’re ready to get started with using the Database today email Kate at or log into your account through the CALSAGA Member Portal. Check out the Instructions for the CALSAGA Training Database which is a great resource for those who are new to working with the database. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Kate who can answer your database questions or provide assistance.
Need to purchase training materials? No problem! We offer traditional modules in PDF format which can be purchased directly from CALSAGA as well as online training through ProtaTECH, CALSAGA’s Online Training Provider. Purchase AB 2880 Training Materials
Access to the database is reserved exclusively for members. Not a member but want access to this great tool? JOIN TODAY.
And lastly, if some of the topics mentioned in this email – licensing, insurance, human resources, RFPs, client retention – are giving you anxiety, make sure to register for PPO 101 and PPO 102! (**This event has now past. Please visit CALSAGA Training Events for information about upcoming events.)