Shaun Kelly, Tolman & Wiker, CALSAGA Preferred Broker

It is every employers’ priority to provide a safe workplace environment. Now with SB 553, California employers are mandated to implement a program regarding the prevention of workplace violence.

The new bill signed by the Governor requires employers to implement a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP) no later than 7-1-24. The WVPP is being established to educate employees, identify the concerns/hazards, evaluate the concerns/hazards and implement corrective actions. Workplace violence includes but is not limited to any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other disrupting behavior that occurs at the worksite. Workplace violence can affect employees, customers, clients, visitors and others.

CAL/OSHA as part of the Department of Industrial relations will be the enforcing agency, as they also enforce the Injury & Illness Prevention Plan and the Heat Illness Prevention Plan. They will require employers to engage and implement the WVPP with employee involvement.

California is the first State to mandate a WVPP, however it is expected that others States will follow.

Attached is a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan template from CAL/OSHA. You can use this as a guide to implement and customize your own plan.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Take care.

Shaun Kelly joined Tolman & Wiker Insurance Services in 2005.  He specializes in all lines of property and casualty insurance for industries including contract security firms, agriculture, construction, oil and gas. Shaun received a BS in Business Administration with a major in Finance from California State University in Fresno, California. He is an active member of several industry associations, including the Association CALSAGA, the Kern County Builders Exchange and the Independent Insurance Agents of Kern County. Shaun can be reached at 661-616-4700 or