Are you preparing to take the exam for ASIS International’s Certified Protection Professional accreditation? Check out the information below regarding the review course offered by ASIS Interational Region 1 D. Click here to register.

And don’t forget to ask for CPP credit when you attend a CALSAGA event!

As an association we strive to keep you up-to-date on relevant information for your business. Please review the information below from the BSIS.

The Bureau has created two new email accounts to better assist you with the following issues:

Proposed Badge/Patch/Cap Design Submissions and Questions:  Use email
NOTE:  PPO applicants for licensure should NOT submit badge/patch/cap designs to the Bureau.  The Bureau does not review these designs until after a PPO license is issued.  Upon notification of your PPO license number, submit your Badge, Patch and/or Cap designs to this email address.  Information on the badge/patch/cap design submission process is on the Bureau’s webpage at

Certificate of Liability Insurance Submissions and Questions:  Use  NOTE:  Applicants for a PPO license should not submit their Certificates of Liability Insurance to this email account.  Applicants should submit their Certificates of Liability Insurance as part of the application packet process to   Information regarding Certificate of Liability Insurance requirements is on the Bureau’s webpage at

Mark your calendar! You are invited to attend the 2018 CALSAGA Annual Conference.

Schedule of events and speaker information will be available soon.

After much hard work on the part of the association, CALSAGA is very pleased to report that the Department of Justice has issued a bulletin to California law enforcement agencies concerning AB 2220.

AB 2220 allows a Private Patrol Operator to be a registered owner of a firearm. Additionally, this bill allows a security officer to be assigned a firearm by the PPO and for a firearm custodian to be designated by the PPO. Previous practices and statutes authorized the purchase, registration, and ownership of firearms by an individual, but not by a business entity. AB 2220 authorized business ownership and registration of firearms in the case of PPOs who are actively providing armed private contract security services. A PPO may assign firearms it owns to employees who are licensed to carry firearms by the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services.

As a result of AB 2220, a problem presented itself because the current Dealer Record of Sale (DROS) Entry System (DES) is not capable of recognizing a business as a firearm purchaser or owner. The Department of Justice intends to modify the DES and Automated Firearm System (AFS) to allow a PPO to be listed as the purchaser and registered owner of a firearm. Additionally, the DOJ intends to create a process for PPOs to submit a Certificate of Assignment to identify the employee of the PPO in AFS who has been assigned a firearm owned by the PPO. These changes are anticipated to be completed by July 1, 2019.

Those intentions were stated in the bulletin to law enforcement agencies. Furthermore, the bulletin cautioned that law enforcement personnel may continue to encounter armed security officers who have the requisite permits and qualifications to carry a firearm in the course of their duties, but who are not actually the registered owners of the firearm. Law enforcement agencies are advised that an assignment of a firearm to an eligible and licensed security officer by a PPO is not a violation of Penal Code 27545.

A link to the bulletin is included below. If your company employs armed officers, we recommend that they carry a hard copy of the bulletin on their person while on duty.

The dissemination of this bulletin is a victory in a hard-fought battle and we are sure will provide reassurance to members who employ armed officers. CALSAGA appreciates the opportunity to continue representing you and the needs of your business. Thank you for your continued membership and support.

Department of Justice Information Bulletin Regarding AB2220

Thank you to all current and former service members. We appreciate your service and sacrifice.


If you missed the 2017 CALSAGA Annual Conference, you missed a lot!

The conference kicked off with the President’s Reception held in the Sunset Room at the Agua Caliente Casino Resort Spa.

As always, the program was packed with dynamic speakers and relevant programs to business owners. CALSAGA Legal Advisor Barry Bradley and Jaimee Wellerstein of Bradley & Gmelich provided attendees with a legal update. Gary Bradley and Anne Laguzza discussed California’s human resources challenges. Always a popular speaker, Anne returned in the afternoon to advise on managing multiple generations. NASCO’s Steve Amitay gave a report from Washington and CALSAGA’s lobbyist Kelly Jensen gave a report from Sacramento. Brian Robertson of Network Partner The Contractor’s Plan spoke about fringe benefits compliance. New to CALSAGA, Author and Speaker Ken Futch spoke about turning situations into opportunities. Again this year BSIS Chief Laura Alarcon and Deputy Chief Clarissa Serrato-Chavez provided a bureau update as well as dedicated time to answering members’ questions.
Our Vendor Hall & Exhibits was sold out which means attendees had more opportunities than ever before to test and learn about products and services relevant to security businesses.

We are very thankful to our sponsor and vendor partners that make it possible for us to keep attendee costs down while still offering a great program! CALSAGA asks you to please consider these partners when making business decisions.
Presenting Sponsor: Tolman & Wiker
Gold Sponsor: TSIB
Silver Sponsor: El Dorado Insurance Agency, Inc
Bronze Sponsors: Kwantek and Philadelphia Insurance Companies
Awards Dinner Sponsor: Kwantek
Evening Reception Sponsors: On Guard Apparel and UniPro International
Afternoon Break Sponsor: SilverTrac
Participating Sponsors: A.G. Spanos Companies, Agua Caliente Casino Resort Spa, AlliedUniversal, Bradley & Gmelich Lawyers, Custom Protective Services, First Security Services, G4S Secure Solutions, The Works Consulting

The ever-popular Networking Reception took place on the lawn on Wednesday evening. Attendees enjoyed lobster and pork skewers, a mashed potato bar and an ice cream sundae bar. If our packed program wasn’t enough of a draw to registrations, the menu surely would be!

The conference wrapped up with the Awards Dinner. The event was emceed by CBS Local 2 Chief Meteorologist Patrick Evans. The event featured stories of heroism and altruism by California security officers. Financial gifts were presented to each award winner by Kwantek.

Lifesaving Award Recipients: Jason Arevalo, Scott Fullerton, Derek Dean of Allied Universal;  Evenlyn Zientek and Henry Taylor of First Security Services; Brian Cotton of Patrol One; Taufuiava Tilo and Manpreet Rai of Allied Universal; Gehrig Burke of Allied Universal

Medal of Valor Award Recipient: Dylan Noel of Rank Investigations & Protection

Al Howenstein Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient: Kim King of Kim King Consulting

Details about the 2018 CALSAGA Annual Conference will be available soon! We hope you’ll make plans to attend.

Did you know that effective January 1, 2018 individuals must pass a psychological assessment test at a state-approved center when applying for an initial firearms qualification?
Do you know how your colleagues are handling meal and rest breaks?
Does your company have a protocol for an active shooter situation?
Do you utilize the same management style when interacting with employees of multiple generations?
Did you know that the method of applying for an initial firearms qualification card or renewal has changed?

Make plans to attend the 2017 Annual Conference to learn about changes and other issues affecting the private security industry. Purchase tickets now.

And, if you haven’t yet booked your hotel room, there’s good news! The CALSAGA-exclusive rate at the Agua Caliente Casino Resort Spa has been extended to Tuesday, October 3rd! To reserve your room, please call group sales at 800-854-1279 (use code: CALSAGA) or visit Agua Caliente (use code: 1710CALSAGA).

If you have questions, please contact Kris Smidt or Kate Wallace

The Annual Conference hotel room rate expires soon!

The CALSAGA Annual Conference takes place October 18th – 19th. Don’t let the time get away from you and miss the opportunity to lock in the conference attendee-exclusive hotel rate! Be sure to book your room at the Agua Caliente Casino Resort Spa by Tuesday, September 26th to secure your conference room rate of $109.99 per night. To reserve your room, please call group sales at 800-854-1279 (use code: CALSAGA) or visit Agua Caliente (use code: 1710CALSAGA).

And don’t forget to purchase your ticket to the conference! 

If you have questions, please contact Kris Smidt or Kate Wallace

The deadline to submit nominations for our annual awards is fast approaching!

Each year CALSAGA honors deserving security professionals at our Annual Conference. Awards to be presented include the Valor Award, the Lifesaving Award, the Security Officer of the Year Award and the Al Howenstein Lifetime Achievement Award. The winner of each award will be invited to attend the Annual Conference for the awards ceremony.

The CALSAGA Valor Award is reserved for those who demonstrate extraordinary judgment and performance of his/her duties during an emergency. Click here for the nomination form.
The CALSAGA Life Saving Award is reserved for those who saved the life of another person. Click here for the nomination form.
The CALSAGA Security Officer of the Year Award is given to an officer who, during the year, has either performed a heroic act involving circumstances where the officer risked his or her life to save another person, or the officer performed a routine task in an exemplary manner. Click here for award criteria and the nomination form.
The Al Howenstein Lifetime Achievement Award (AHLAA) was originally presented at our Annual Conference in 2008 to Al Howenstein, a founding member of CALSAGA and tireless industry ambassador. Mr. Howenstein, who is now the Award namesake, has dedicated his career to advocating on behalf of the private security industry and has played a key role in forging relationships between CALSAGA and other key influencers in the private security industry, the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services and members of the California Legislature. Click here for award criteria and the nomination form.

Nominations must be received by September 15th. If you have questions, please contact Kris Smidt or Kate Wallace

CALSAGA is pleased to announce our latest Network Partnership with TSIB.

TSIB is a national full service brokerage that specializes in traditional property & casualty placements, surety, project-specific policies, Captives, alternative risk financing and risk management for the Construction and Security Industries. They are one of the top 100, privately held, insurance brokers in the U.S.  TSIB was founded in 2005 from the internal Risk Management Division at Turner Construction Company, the leading general commercial builder in the U.S.

We welcome and look forward to our new partnership and having TSIB participate as a vendor and sponsor at our upcoming CALSAGA Annual Conference!

To learn more about TSIB:

Interested in becoming a Network Partner?

Need more information on our Annual Conference? Registration is now open:

Feel free to contact Nick Langer, Director – West Coast Property & Casualty at Turner Surety & Insurance Brokerage, Inc. at (661) 645-4974 or to see what TSIB can do for your company!