Is Your Security Guard Company Leaving Dollars On The Table?

(And The 2 Reasons Why You Can’t Keep Quality Guards At Your Company)

Ken DuBose, Business Link Solutions, CALSAGA Associate Member

Many articles in Security Guard Trade Magazines, including the Californian report that the turnover rate of security guards at companies is unbelievably high. In fact, the turnover rate has been reported to be as high as 300%. Many of these industry publications blame the up to 300% turnover rate on low wages and lack of affordable health benefits.

Articles in other publications and personal conversations with guards from different companies, cite guards frequently switching companies to chase $.50 to $1.00 or more per hour wage increases and not having access to affordable health benefits.

What can you do to help keep quality security guards on the job and attract trained, quality guards in the future? Business Link Solutions has a solution that helps with the low wage and affordable health benefits problem.

First, even if you are offering a major medical plan at your company, many of your guards at their current wage structure won’t participate if they must pay a percentage of those monthly premiums. Guards making $16.50 – $20 an hour usually can’t afford to have $50 to $100 deducted from their paycheck to pay for Healthcare/Medical benefits, even if the employer is paying 50% to 70% of the bill, with only supervisors and higher management employees utilizing the benefits.

We help to solve the problem….

In 1978 Congress enacted the Section 125 law that allows American companies the ability to pre-tax employee benefits. This enables your business to reduce the amount you pay in FICA payroll taxes, allowing you to keep more of your money in your company’s pocket.

Additionally, ALL your qualified full-time employees (not just the supervisors) will have access to important benefits designed to help them be healthier and with those benefits being pre-taxed, full-time eligible employees will generally see a net increase in their take-home pay.

With our specialized Section 125 plan… if you have at least 5 qualified full-time employees, your company will likely be qualified to participate. Your company will enjoy FICA payroll tax savings of over $500.00 per employee per year. That can mean major savings for you and your business.

Because of the Section 125 pre-taxing process, your qualified full-time employees will enjoy an average of over $80 to $100 a month increase in their take-home pay and will receive valuable benefits designed to help make them happier and healthier.

  • With our specialized Section 125 plan… at a minimum, it will save your company over$500.00 per employee per year on your FICA payroll taxes
  • Your qualified full-time employees will receive important benefits like Zero-dollar co-pays on Dr’s visit, Prescription Drugs, Urgent Care Centers and much more… and will increase their net pay by an average of over $80.00 dollars a month
  • It will not interfere with your major medical plan in any way. In fact, it will complement it and give your employees even more flexibility and choices.
  • And the best part? Since the tax savings completely pay for the benefits, it is a net profit for your company and employees.

If you have questions and to get more information, please contact…


Regional Vice President/Sales Team RVP

M: (949) 519-0022

O: (866) 399-1376

YouTube Link – BLS The Champ Plan – Rick Knight

YouTube Link – AffordaCare TV Commercial (below)


“Helping you get back the money you deserve!”™