How a 24/7 Dispatch Service Revolutionized My Role as a High-Level Manager in the Security Industry

Jacqueline King, Guardian Secure Solutions LLC, CALSAGA Member

As a high-level manager in a security company that operates around the clock, my phone never seemed to stop ringing. From early morning until late at night, our 24/7 line was inundated with calls. Employees calling out from their shifts, seeking information about their posts, notifying us of incidents on site, and inquiring about their paychecks and 401k, among other HR and operational inquiries. The constant stream of calls made it challenging to focus on larger projects, expand our business, and, quite frankly, to sleep.

However, everything changed when we hired a U.S. based 24/7 dispatch service. This decision has been a game-changer for our company, both professionally and personally.

Streamlining Operations and Enhancing Efficiency

Our partnership with a technology based Security Operations Center (SOC) service has taken over a substantial portion of call management. They screen calls and handle many of them directly, accessing our shared platforms to provide employees with site information, dispatch calls for our patrol division, and log all employee communications meticulously. This has streamlined our operations and significantly reduced the volume of calls that reach me and other managers.

The ability to handle a wide range of inquiries means that our employees receive the information they need promptly, and issues are resolved quickly. This efficiency has not only improved our operational workflow but has also enhanced our employees’ satisfaction and productivity.

Data-Driven Insights for Better Decision-Making

One of the standout benefits of our dispatch and SOC partnership is their capability to provide detailed statistical data. They track peak call volume times for clients, employees, and business inquiries. This data has been invaluable in helping us understand patterns and trends, enabling us to make informed decisions about resource allocation and process improvements.

With these insights, we can anticipate busy periods and ensure we have adequate coverage, thereby maintaining our service quality and meeting our clients’ expectations consistently.

Focusing on Growth and Innovation

With our qualified SOC operators managing routine and emergency calls, I have been able to redirect my focus to more strategic initiatives. I now have the bandwidth to work on expanding our business, exploring new market opportunities, and developing innovative security solutions. This shift in focus has already started to pay off, as we have been able to secure new contracts and enhance our service offerings.

Reclaiming Personal Time

Perhaps the most significant change has been in my personal life. The reduction in after-hours calls has allowed me to reclaim precious family time and, importantly, to get a good night’s sleep. The peace of mind that comes from knowing that a reliable team is handling our 24/7 line cannot be overstated.

I now have the energy and clarity to tackle the challenges of each day, both at work and at home. The balance I have achieved has made me a more effective leader and a happier individual.

Hiring a U.S. based Security Operations Center as our 24/7 dispatch service has revolutionized my role as Chief of Staff. The operational efficiency, data-driven insights, and personal time reclaimed have been transformative. This partnership has not only freed up my time but has also positioned our company for growth and innovation. If you’re in a similar high-pressure role, I highly recommend considering a dispatch service. It might just be the change you need to take your business and personal life to the next level.

This was written by Jacqueline King, Chief of Staff with GPF. Just one of our happy clients here at Guardian Secure Solutions LLC. If you are ready to learn more about how a shared Security Operations Center can revolutionize your role, visit us at or follow us on instagram (